What is PickTheBank
PickTheBank was started in 2022 as a solution to many of the challenges people face when they want to invest in different banking products. These include frequent changes in interest rates and the difficulty of choosing the best deal from the many options available in the EU banking market. Analysing the entire banking market, which includes offers from over 1000 banks offering savings products to residents of different EU countries, is a laborious and complex process. That's why we've decided to aggregate bank offers to simplify the investment selection process for EU residents. We currently provide up-to-date fixed-term, savings and demand deposit offers for residents of 25 EU countries, gathering information from over 1000 banks. The total database, which is updated daily, includes over 11000 products. We are constantly improving our service so that you can quickly and easily open deposits online at the best conditions! These include frequent changes in interest rates and the difficulty of choosing the best deal from the many options available in the EU banking market. best european savings accounts